"Nothing is ever wasted with God. His words are true, life-affirming, life giving, and always have a purpose." Chapter 9 excerpt from "Supernaturally Dysfunctional."
This chapter messily guides the reader through our young family's search for complete nirvana, otherwise known as the perfect dysfunctional church. In actuality, it more closely resembled "Mr Toad's Wild Ride" at Disneyland. Whew, did we ever find our own personal version of both. We should have known better. There's no such thing as nirvana, except in the movies, but the wild ride with dysfunction to boot, outstanding! Should have signed up twice for that one.
It was almost as if we were magnets to the bazaar, zany, and down right devilish. If you are thinking it challenging to find the perfect dysfunctional church, I can assure you they are still alive and well to this day. Of course, we all know that there is no such thing as a "perfect" church, just as perfect people here on the earth today are about as mythical as the unicorn.
Many invaluable lessons were learned during this particular chapter in our lives. We wouldn't trade a single one for anything in this world. God showed up. He sort of sent us a few signs of things to come, some still yet to be.
When we are hurt through the actions of others, it is very easy and sometimes even comforting to wallow in self-pity. We often believe that we are in the right to have such feelings, while your frenemy is totally wrong in their words or behavior. We might then begin to justify our own thoughts or actions toward these individuals.
God doesn't work that way. Just as we have learned lessons by struggling through personal hardships, God is also dealing with those who are actively doing the hurting. Whether the "hurters" actually listen to Him is completely up to them, however. We as human beings can be extremely thick-headed at times. (And YES, I am referring to myself on this one).
Proverbs 3:12 (AMP) tells us "For those whom the Lord loves He corrects, even as a father corrects the son in whom he delights." He loves the "hurters" just as much as he loves the "hurtees," and disciplines us all accordingly. I don't know about you, but there are times during my own disciplining from the Lord, that I wish He'd love me a little less. Ok, maybe not love me less, but perhaps let me slide through an action or two once in a while, instead of continually feeling that I'm yet again being that lump of clay achingly molded up on that stinking potter's wheel. I mean, the more I grow in my faith, the less and less I get away with. Can any of you relate?
In a nut shell, I can't be forgiven unless I first forgive. Jesus is extremely clear on this point as He tells us in Matthew 6:15 (NIV), "But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." Ouch. That one's difficult to continually execute, especially in the world we are living in. Yet, we strive to follow His lead daily, though at times may seem to miss the mark. Please believe, dear one, that He doesn't say such things to make our lives more difficult or frustrating. He is trying to save us, help us to heal, and show us how wonderful life can be with Him guiding us through it.
Forgiveness is freeing. Jesus knew that when He went to the cross. Remember the words He spoke while dying for our sins? He said in Luke 23:34 (NIV), "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." Without forgiveness, without Jesus forgiving us, there is no hope in this world.
As you embark on "Mr. Toad's Wild Ride" in Chapter 9 of "Supernaturally Dysfunctional," I pray that God allows you to read between the lines and know that through humor, humility, and unpleasant encounters, His hope, His love, and His encouragement are yours for the taking.
**Oh, Jesus, how we need you today! Thank you for the readers who have stumbled across this blog. Lord I ask that your divine blessings chase them down and that your peace envelops them like a warm blanket. May each one feel your presence in their lives more deeply than ever before. Thank you for the gift of forgiveness. Thank you for forgiving us for all our sins and for giving us the strength to forgive the deepest of cuts, especially from our own family and friends. We pray today that if we have said or done anything to hurt anyone in the past, that they are able to forgive us as well. We love you, Lord. Thank you for saving us. Thank you for loving us enough to discipline and forgive us. In Jesus' name, we humbly pray. Amen.**
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signed copy from author at sewoody16@gmail.com
{ALL book proceeds donated to Calvary Jerusalem Church, Israel}
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