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Bloodline Witches

Writer's picture: S.E. WoodyS.E. Woody

Updated: Mar 17, 2022

While researching my family's historical dysfunction, possible book topics seemed both limitless and fascinating. One, out of many, conversations with my mother and aunts, prompted memories of stories steeped in witchcraft. Needless to say, a little squeeze to the belly and quickening of the spirit let me know in no uncertain terms that this was the topic of choice. Another way to say it with our ancestral southern drawl would be "that'll preach!"

The biggest issue for me was trying to figure out how to tell the story without promoting the practice of witchcraft or divination in any way. I want to be very clear in stating that the contents of chapter five are sincerely a cautionary tale. The reader will hopefully understand its evil intent and prevalent reality. Unless you have faith in Jesus, it can also be an extremely scary practice to dabble in or to be around. My job, would then be to give you all the information possible, allowing you to draw your own conclusions.

Obviously, the world today is full of witchcraft and occult activities. At the writing of this blog, some schools have even been offering "Satanic Clubs" as after school programs for elementary children. As posted on January 21, 2022 by, Lebanon City Schools in Ohio are promoting "The Satanic Temple After School Satan Club." The article also mentioned that in Illinois, the Moline-Coal Valley School District was encouraging the same type of program focused on young students, troubling many parents in the area. The Satanic Temple is based in the United States but has chapters all over the country. It boggles the mind to realize that this is actually happening now, in our lifetime. These are factual events, not just something we are witnessing as some fantasy-type movie on the big screen.

Recently, covens, also noted in the news, have been documented as casting spells over public and governmental officials they dislike. They have websites, facebook pages and all kinds of social media outlets calling all witches to join in the castings. On November 1, 2018, Marie Claire published an online article titled "This is How Real Life Resistance Witches Say They're Taking Down the Patriarchy," Their byline read "And why one witch believes their hex on Trump worked." According to the article, over 13,000 "resistance witches" were continually involved in public hexing protests during the election campaigns.

On October 29, 2020, witches across the country were collectively casting spells against President Donald Trump. They were calling on all witches to cast specifically on that Halloween to seal the deal, according to All witch-related social media during that time frame used the hashtag "#witchthevote." This vendetta was launched by a coven in Salem, Massachusetts which coincidentally is a town known for their public witch trials and tourism. In the article, the group was quoted as having said "this is a collective intersectional effort to direct our magic towards electing candidates who will push our country and our planet forward into the witch utopia we all envision."

Witchcraft is culturally popular and widely accepted today, with its presence on social media platforms such as the ever popular TikTok with its "spell trends," as well as the beauty retailer, Sephora, who actually carried Starter Witch Kits for a while. You can go online and find sites for spells and "Friendly Online Witches Coven Pagan Social Network." You just can't make this stuff up.

In the March 2020 issue of "The Atlantic,">witchcraft-juliet-diaz/, it was suggested that there were around 730,000 practicing witches in the United States as of 2014. It was stated that the number had been steadily growing since the 1960's, and was largely due to the involvement of young women. Helen Berger, the resident scholar of Women's Studies at Brandeis University in Waltham, MA, estimated the number to be closer to two million to date.

Most of us have heard of "ComicCon," a convention where fans of comic books, movies, television shows, and video games can gather to meet their favorite stars, dress up as their favorite characters and purchase memorabilia. There is also an online "WitchCon" happening soon in 2022. It features 100 witches, conjurers and rootworkers from all over the world. Attendees can even practice their spells online.

Though sources have already disclosed it, I am warned to suggest that it has been "rumored" that many practicing witches have used actual body parts from the deceased, and may be deeply rooted in certain abortion clinics that shall remain nameless. These body parts are believed to be used in blood ritualistic sacrifices to find favor from their supernaturally evil father in granting requests or for success in casting their spells. So yes, they are summoning demons believing the demons will do their bidding. More than that, they are actually desiring to open supernatural portals to the earth in the hopes of releasing the demonic. The next big portal opening is to take place on February 22, 2022, or "2/22/22."

Many who practice the craft believe their sacrifices and satanic dedications will appease the devil, coaxing him to do their bidding. In some instances, he most likely will do so, especially if it is in his own best interest. He will seemingly go along with them, rewarding them, for a time. Believe me, the day will come when the practicing witch will discover that she/he chose poorly, but by then it may be too late. The devil can revoke his favor at any moment, even ending a life prematurely, leaving his follower as a prime candidate for eternal damnation. That is truly his ultimate goal for all of humanity. Who would want that? Why even dabble in it, at the risk of losing your soul? Yet many willingly do so every day.

It is my opinion that some who actively utilize occult practices may believe that because of their continual works for the satanic, the devil will give them whatever they desire in this life as well as death without suffering in hell. Such humans are making the assumption that the lying, deceitful devil will keep his word and that they will escape death and or eternal torment. They may even believe that the devil actually likes them. It's sort of as if they are playing roulette, thinking that they are smarter than the enemy and could gain the upper hand. We should always remember the universal law of gambling, the house always wins. If a life was spent summoning and serving evil, their inevitable comeuppance will sooner or later be due. There is no reasoning or bargaining with the devil. You willingly serve him, you ultimately pay with your soul. There is no love or living blood within him, as he was once an angelic being. He hates God and everything good that God has created and especially loves. God loves his creation, which means He loves us. That also means that the devil hates us with every fiber of his limited being, whether we serve him in witchcraft, satanism, and the occult or do not.

Yes, my childhood and teen years were full of supernaturally charged dreams, visions, and evil intending encounters. At times, I was admittedly slightly enamored with wicca and witchcraft. I read a few books with a friend, though never cast a spell or dabbled per-say. In the middle of strange occurrences surrounding me, God intervened. He showed up and gave me insight to the dangers even reading about occult practices would bring. Around the age of fifteen, I stopped researching it altogether. Lost a friend, who gathered others to relentlessly tease and harass me with satanic hisses and hand gestures whenever possible. #Worthit.

So what does this have to do with my chapter five declaration of witchcraft in the family? Much in every way! If you've read the chapter already, you may begin to understand the devastation that a bloodline curse or two can have on its family members. Knowing that these type of curses exist gives the individual the upper hand on all holds the enemy claims to have on the family. When we already know of opened doors, we can close them properly, binding the strongman (aka, the devil), according to Mark 3:27. If unsure of any lingering ancestral curses, take heart! You can still bind any hold the enemy could have on your family for generations to come. You have that power in Christ Jesus.

The book, "Supernaturally Dysfunctional," as well as this blog post were written not to glorify witchcraft or occult practices, but to hopefully enable the reader to discern truth from fiction when it comes to such topics. It is my hope that these words enable you to understand the true dangers of dabbling, reading, buying occult objects or allowing any witchcraft or voodoo paraphernalia into your home. Any of the aforementioned items welcomes evil intended supernatural entities, with reckless abandon, into your home, into your life. Such items open supernatural portals that by all counts should remain closed. I urge you to take stock in your surroundings, praying that the Lord reveals possible objects or even relationships that may give the enemy an advantage over you or your loved ones today.

Thank you for continuing on this supernatural journey with me. It is my prayer that God blesses you and your family with joy unspeakable, divine health, and protection.

Jesus himself tells us in Matthew 18:20 (NIV), "For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." If you need prayer today, please let me know. I would be honored to be your "two."

*Dear heavenly Father, please bless the readers of these words today. Thank you that we can come boldly to your throne in prayer because we belong to you. Thank you that you loved us so much that you sent your most precious son to die for all of our sins. Thank you, Jesus, that because of your sacrifice, we are covered by your blood and more than conquerors in every challenge we must face. Thank you for giving us the power to shield the continual darts the enemy throws our way. Thank you for uncovering possible bloodline curses in our own families, severing any claims the devil thinks he has over us in Jesus' name. Thank you for closing any and all evil intended supernatural portals in our homes, businesses, schools, churches and country in Jesus' name we pray. We love you, Lord, and give you all the glory, honor and praise. Amen.*

Cited sources:

Coller, Patty. "School 'satan clubs' Causing Controversy." Fox 8 News, January 21, 2022. Accessed February 2, 2022.

DiTrolio, Megan. "This is How Real-Life Resistance Witches Say They're Taking Down the Patriarchy." Marie Claire, November 1, 2018. Accessed February 2, 2022.

Keller, Jessalynn and Paulsen-Mulvey, Alora. "This Halloween, Witches are Casting Spells to Defeat Trump and #WitchTheVote in the U.S. Election." The Conversation, October 29, 2020. Accessed February 2, 2022.

Bosker, Bianca. "Why Witchcraft Is on the Rise." The Atlantic, March 2020 issue. Accessed February 2, 2022.>witchcraft-juliet-diaz/.

“SUPERNATURALLY DYSFUNCTIONAL“ now available @tbn @trilogychristianbooks @amazon @amazonbooks @barnesandnoble @blackwellbooks @powellbooks @goodreads @walmart

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