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Writer's picture: S.E. WoodyS.E. Woody

Updated: Mar 17, 2022

"My name is Legion,' he replied, 'for we are many, '" Mark 5:9 (NIV).

As you may have guessed already, Chapter 6 of "Supernaturally Dysfunctional" has to do with the demonic torture of a family member that spanned a little over a couple of decades. Without totally giving away the contents of the chapter, I'd like to shed some light on the topic of demonic possession as it pertains to life on the planet to date.

Undoubtedly, demonic possession is the epitome of supernaturally dysfunctional on steroids. It is a state of being that I would never wish on my worst enemy, not even Bruce Springsteen. And THAT is saying something. (Sorry, Bruce. I'm still an ongoing work in progress.)

According to, their definition of demonic possession would be "the supposed invasion of the body by an evil spirit or devil that gains control of the mind or soul, producing mental disorder, physical illness or criminal behavior." Webster defines it is as being "influenced or controlled by something such as an evil spirit, a passion or an idea," at And last but not least, defines demonic possession as "the state of being physically and mentally possessed by Satan, a demon, or evil spirits."

There is no doubt that if demonic possession was not an actual problem, or wasn't real, there would be no definition of it recorded in so many different places on the web as well as in countless books throughout history.

Whether you have read "S.D." or not, you are most likely aware of the devil's existence here on planet Earth. However, we also know that one of his greatest deceptions of all time is to convince earth's inhabitants that he doesn't actually exist and is merely a mythical creature. According to the History Channel, at, the devil, or Satan, "is best known as the personification of evil and the nemesis of good people everywhere." If the ever popular, all-knowing History Channel isn't proof enough, Pope Francis himself made a declaration about the devil recorded by Europe News on April 4, 2018. In an Apostolic Exhortation, the pope stated "We should not think of the devil as a myth, a representation, a symbol, a figure of speech, or an idea, but rather as a personal being who assails us." I agree with Pope Francis on this one. The devil "assails us" daily and as often as possible.

If the devil is real, as the Roman Catholic Church emphasizes, then demonic possession must also be real or possible. The Catholic Church itself trains some of their priests to specialize in exorcisms throughout the world, and they are especially busy nowadays with weekly calls for spiritual help and deliverance. But before talking about a couple of their most well-known exorcists, I'd like to tell you a little more about the most famous one of all time.

Drum roll's Jesus! I know, I know. You saw that one coming. Throughout the Gospels, we are told of him exorcising demons everywhere he went. If the demonic was so prevalent in biblical days, you have to believe that it's definitely around today. If you research a couple of Jesus' first encounters, you will find them in Matthew 8:28-33, 17:14-19. One of my favorite responses that Jesus gave was recorded in Mark 1:25-26 (NIV). He was approached by a man at the synagogue possessed by an evil spirit who began to manifest and speak to him. Jesus simply said, "Be quiet! Come out of him!" The demon then shook the man violently, shrieked, and left him. Jesus didn't engage in conversation with the entity or even ask it questions. He didn't mess around or mince words. Gotta love his style. posted an article on March 16, 2021 entitled "Pandemic brings more calls for exorcism ministry by Archdiocese of Indianapolis." The Rev. Vince Lampert, a Catholic priest out of Indianapolis stated "I've seen levitation, eyes rolled to the back of the head, foaming at the mouth, people falling on the floor and slithering like a snake across the ground." He went on to state that some of the possessed may "speak in languages otherwise unknown to an individual, while exhibiting superhuman strength." Lampert suggested that severe isolation due to the Covid 19 pandemic caused mental health issues and possession phone calls for help to escalate drastically. He also mentioned the root of demonic possession to be an unhealthy "brokenness" such as anger that could give the demonic a foothold.

Chapter 6 explains of an eye witness account of demonic possession, exorcism, and the power of Jesus that conquers all. Believe me, it is not a pretty picture, though authentic and as real, as real can be. Not pleasant to think about and horrifying to witness. This chapter clearly explains opened doors that led to such an outcome and validates the reality of the supernatural, including the demonic realm. As per all blogs and chapters of "Supernaturally Dysfunctional," it is not my job to persuade you to believe in one specific way or another. I can only explain, to the best of my ability, factual events in our familial bloodline and allow you to draw your own conclusions. Please know that my heart is for the veil to be lifted and for God's truth to shine through. As you read and search your own heart, I hope you pray for discernment and always, test the spirit(s). If you allow it, God will gently nudge in you in the right direction.

Paul states in Philippians 2:12-13 (NIV), "Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only in my presence, but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure." Basically, we are to work out our own faith, salvation and relationship with the Lord. Sort of where the rubber meets the road. You're either in or you're out. You either believe or you don't.

I will tell you that the reality of this particular incident as described in chapter 6 of "S.D.," is the reason I never watch television programs or movies that include demonic possessions or exorcisms. Oscar Wilde was quoted as stating that "life imitates art far more than art imitates life." In the case of the movies that include exorcisms as their main allure, I can assure you that art is actually imitating real life, opening supernaturally unwanted doors to its unsuspecting viewers. Case in point, "The Exorcist," a 1971 novel by William Peter Blatty was later turned into a 1973 horror movie. It was based on the real 1949 exorcism of a young boy named Roland Doe, from Cottage City, Maryland. His character was actually portrayed by a girl, actress Linda Blair, in the movie. Roland, also called "Robbie," grew up in a German Lutheran family. He had an interest in Ouija boards as introduced to him through his "spiritist" Aunt Harriet. After the death of his aunt, the demonic began to manifest through him and throughout his home, prompting Blatty's novel. "The Exorcist" movie was created from real life events, recorded, and descriptively accurate in almost every word and several of its movie scenes.

Merely watching movies or shows involving exorcisms or satanic rituals does not necessarily mean that the viewer will become possessed by an evil spirit. I have only heard of one incident where a movie goer was subjected to possession immediately following a spiritually dark movie, though there may be others I've not yet learned about. In that particular case, it is only my opinion, that the movie itself was not the root cause. The possessed individual had most likely opened other doors to the satanic realm prior to attending. The movie may have been the last opening that allowed the demon full reign to inhabit and manifest itself in her life.

Father Gary Thomas, a Catholic priest and well-known exorcist, stated that his studies at the Vatican inspired the 2012 movie, "The Rite." Father Thomas acted as a consultant on the set and has handled well over 60 cases of demonic activity according to an October 18, 2016 article at Thomas mentioned that 80% of the people that come to him in need of spiritual help or exorcism stem from sexually abused survivors.

Father Thomas claims that society is hungering or searching for some type of spirituality, as shown in the growing fascination with the occult which he believes to be reaching "epidemic proportions." People today are actively seeking divination, which by definition is the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means. Thomas believes artificial forms of people trying to discover God, as the culture becomes increasingly pagan, are prevalent in this type of occult-inspired seeking. He mentioned doors that open the satanic may include, but are not limited to Ouija or spirit boards (which are conjuring instruments and not toys even though promoted as such), tarot or angel cards, seeking palm readers, mediums, spiritists, witchcraft, seances, getting involved in meditations like "Reiki," using yoga as a form of conjuring up fake gods, etcetera, dark magic, violent video games or devices that can conjure up a spirit.

This same article had Father Thomas mentioning the Satanic Temple, which I had previously talked about in my last published blog titled "Bloodline Witches." Thomas also speaks of their organized school clubs, the claim that they don't believe in the devil, and that they hold a black mass annually. He stated their black mass to actually be a desecration of the holy Eucharist. Which makes sense to me, as the devil continually takes something holy and pure, trying to become its antithesis. Usually, imitation is the highest form of flattery, though in this case, not so much.

To date, Father Gary Thomas weekly receives many exorcism requests. He was quoted as having said "abuse is the doorway." The demonic searches for a wounded soul, one suffering from broken relationships or those even lacking in relationships. Often when the victim of abuse starts seeking out or gets involved with the occult, doors swing open wide for the demonic to form attachments. Other opened demonic doors may occur because of abortion, assisted suicide, as well as by the seduction of Satan, according to Thomas.

As witnessed in chapter six of "Supernaturally Dysfunctional," the horrifying manifestation of the demonic, caused life-long scars in the observer as well as all family members involved. Interestingly enough, Father Thomas spoke of certain characteristics of the demon possessed that somewhat closely mirrored what was witnessed during the exorcism of my cousin, Babs. According to Thomas, the possessed may demonstrate superhuman strength, knowledge of hidden things that the individual would have no previous way of knowing, may suffer from foaming at the mouth, face distortion, convulsive or epileptic reactions, as well as speaking in an unknown voice or language the possessed wouldn't know.

If you were to research exorcists, their practices, or recorded successful exorcisms, you will most likely find that each of them engage the demonic in some type of conversation. Often, the priest or exorcist will ask the demon its name, how it got into its human host, as well as when it would be exiting the individual. I am only slightly fascinated into such a way of dealing with a possession. The exorcist believes that if a demon gives away its name, it knows that it will lose all its power. That is why, they believe, in the Bible you may see their name mentioned as legion, lust, etcetera. Though a few demonic names are in Bible record, I am not totally convinced that their name or true identity matters. I appreciate the statement made by Pope Francis to a general audience on March 2, 2016 when he simply said "You can't dialogue with the devil," published February 10, 2017.

Which brings me back to what Jesus was recorded as having said in Mark 1:25-26. He didn't engage the demon in conversation or questions of any kind. In fact, he told it to be quiet and leave the man. It did exactly that.

I can also appreciate the wisdom Father Thomas shared in the above mentioned article concerning the demonic. He made it clear that demons cannot actually read our thoughts. He went on to share that they are intelligent creatures who are able to "reason and deduce" what one may be thinking, could possibly act, or even react in certain situations.

I'd like to end this blog with a quick story of a demon-possessed woman, as recalled by an above mentioned exorcising priest. The woman had started out reading tarot cards for fun. She became smitten by the new age while her gift of divination grew. She was eventually able to spiritually read people's past, present, and sometimes even foretold their future. She became extremely successful and even sought after in such circles. The moment eventually occurred, however, that she learned where her power or gift was actually coming from. At that specific point in time, it was too late, and she became possessed.

After all that you have read so far, do you still believe that occult or new ages practices, movies, symbols, and artifacts are harmless in nature, causing little to no repercussions by their presence in our lives? Do you believe that having a tarot or palm reading will open unwanted supernatural doors, or rather that nothing bad could happen in the natural because you really don't believe in those types of things anyway? What about playing the obviously benign children's Ouija board game in a party-type setting? I can help you out on that last question if you still have any doubts as to the seriousness of dabbling in the occult.

As a teenager, my mother played the Ouija board game with a friend while at work. She asked the usual teenage, girly-girl type of questions, and received her answers. She was told, by the spirit board, the exact initials of the man that she would marry and that she would have five children. Fast forward many years, and what the game revealed did indeed come to pass. She is adamantly against such practices to this day, and rightly so. It is not wise to mess with any type of occult ritual or artifact, regardless of the fun-loving, inviting package it comes in.

So, while the demonic cannot actually read our minds, they have studied us since the moment of our birth. They know full well what buttons to push or certain enticements or temptations to throw our way. They know what easily distracts us or hinders our view of our loving Heavenly father. That being said, as we open up supernaturally dysfunctional doors by our dabbling in any type of occult practice, artifact purchase, or movie viewing, we have given them full reign to enter into our lives. They can then make a prediction from the tarot, medium or spiritist reading come into fruition, good or bad, because we have given them that right by our choices.

It is my opinion that the supernatural is more real and relevant than we as human beings can perceive. It can be used to taunt or tempt us into unhealthy spiritual and physical decisions that may lead to a lifetime of torment and an eternity of hideous, unending suffering. This is especially true if the evil-intending supernatural gains a foothold into our lives. I would like to also point out that the Holy Spirit works in the supernatural realm as well, (John 14:16). That's the voice and prompting I pray you welcome and listen to. He will guide you into all truth, (John 16:13). He is the root of discernment, (1 Corinthians 12:10). He's our ever present help in times of need, (Psalm 46:1). You can trust Him, (Romans 15:13).

As we delve deeper into backstories and insight from every chapter of "Supernaturally Dysfunctional," the underlying moral of the story is HOPE. My deepest desire is that you find God's love for you interwoven, though not always printed, on every page read. I hope your curiosity for the truth spoken in the Living Word of God grows to almost unquenchable levels and that your spiritual power of discernment awakens, guiding every decision made from this day on.

Thank you, my friend, for joining in the journey.

***As always, if you need special prayer, I'd be happy to agree with you for whatever God has placed on your heart. Please leave me a message, and I'll lift you up in prayer right away.

**Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for this day, and for the precious one currently reading these words at this exact moment. Thank you for filling your child up with wisdom and the ability to discern what is and is not actually from you. Right now, I loose a hedge of protection around the reader, in Jesus' name, and that according to Psalm 91, no evil will be allowed to come near this special one that you love so much.

Thank you , Lord, for blessing us with divine health, happiness, deliverance from evil, and for filling us up with the warmth of your grace. We agree in prayer that whatever may be on your heart for us WILL come to pass, in Jesus' name. WE trust you, Lord, and know that your intentions for us are always good. We thank you that your mercies are new every morning, according to Lamentations 3:23. Great is your faithfulness, Father! We love you, and agree with all of the promises you've given us in your Word. Thank you for loving us, especially during our less-than-lovely moments, and for never giving up on us. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen**

Cited sources: Editors. "The Devil," September 13, 2017, updated June 2020. Accessed February 11, 2022.

Klein, Dan. "Pandemic Brings More Calls for Exorcism Ministry by Archdiocese of Indianapolis." Wishtv.com8, March 16, 2021. Accessed February 11, 2022.

Mariani, Mike. "American Exorcism." The Atlantic, December 2018. Accessed February 11, 2022. You Can't Dialogue With the Devil," published February 10, 2017. Accessed February 11, 2022.

Pullella, Philip. "After 'No Hell' Report, Pope Gives the Devil His Due." Europe News, April 9, 2018. Accessed February 11, 2022.

Crary, David. "Exorcism: Increasingly Frequent, Including After US Protests." ABC News, October 31, 2021. Accessed February 11, 2022.

Roth, Jon. "What It's Really Like to be an Exorcist." Cosmopolitan, October 18, 2016. Accessed February 11, 2022.

Santomiero, Chiara. "Why Do Exorcists Ask Demons to Reveal Their Names." Aleteia, April 5, 2017. Accessed February 12, 2022.


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