“You need to understand that the battle is for your soul, and he is deceptively convincing. He has studied you since the day you were born and knows your weaknesses. You play right into his hands when being a willing participant in the unhealthy choices you make.” Chapter 10 excerpt from “SUPERNATURALLY DYSFUNCTIONAL.”
I have to admit, I thoroughly enjoyed the research and writing of this particular chapter in the book. I was operating in my wheelhouse of experience with this one and it probably showed quite a bit.
It is true that I have had supernatural encounters in varying degrees for as long as I can remember. My bloodline family curse left the door wide open for these types of phenomenon. I've seen different colored dancing orbs, been tapped or touched by spirits (entities), witnessed apparitions, heard menacing low-level devils whispering my name and trying to attack with spine-tingling encounters. I have also actually stared the demonic in the face a time or two, that I know of anyway. That is obviously where the power of discernment really comes in handy.
We open doors to the supernatural, good or bad, by what we watch, listen to, read about, or give our time and attention to. Do you think all of our daily distractions are from God? Nope. Distractions are also weapons of the enemy.
We bring about what we think about. What we give our time and attention to. For example, if we watched a movie loaded with occult symbolism, incantations, exorcisms, etcetera, we have intentionally opened unholy supernatural doors. Make sense? So what do we usually do after watching such a movie? We often discuss it with others or think about it from time to time. It seems that the most disturbing scenes of those types of movies pop back into our memory close to bedtime or when we are alone. You can't "unsee" something. Once you've viewed it, it's embedded into your psyche and voila! A demonic door has been opened. Whatever enters through that door has a right to torment you as much and for as long as it wants to...unless you learn how to close the door. Or better yet, don't watch those types of things in the first place.
But let's not close this blog by giving the devil his due. I'd rather leave a better example for you to consider. If time is spent praising the Lord, praying to Him, thanking Him, blessing Him, and reading His living word, what do you think will happen? Usually and often, when we genuinely seek His face and spend quality time with Him, He shows up! You can actually feel His sweet, tender, loving presence. You bask in the glow of his grace. There is an overwhelming feeling of peace and encouragment. Who wouldn't want that feeling on a daily basis? He longs to spend time with you. He desires that we live unafraid of the enemy and filled up to overflowing with God's Holy Spirit power. We are MORE than conquerors through Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:37 (NIV), "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." We are intentional overcomers, because of Jesus our Savior. Believe it!
**Dear Heavenly Father, please bless the one whom you love, the one reading this blog at this very moment. Please bless this one with your spirit of discernment every day, alerting them of possible enemy encounters. Lord, enable them to know that because of Jesus, they have all authority over the devil and his followers. We give YOU all of the glory, Lord. We thank you for your guidance and protection. We thank you that we are more than conquerors through you because you love us, in Jesus' name. Amen.**
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Signed copy from the author at sewoody16@gmail.com.
{ALL book proceeds donated to Calvary Jerusalem Church, 🇮🇱 Israel}
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